Itchy rash, burning pee, and feeling like your bones are breaking. Can you handle the truth?!
Lot’s of people have been asking how I’m doing. Well, today is better than the first few days after chemo and I’m feeling more human every day. Let me give you a timeline of events as they happened.
May 18, 2023
Returned to the oncologist office to get a Fulphila shot. It took less than 10 minutes and then you wait for the bone pain to begin.
Friday AM
May 19, 2023
Woke up with nausea and bone pain but I dragged myself out of bed to chop off my hair. I knew it would be falling out soon anyway.
Friday PM
May 19, 2023
Went in to see if I needed a paracentesis. Was left sitting in a room while most of the nurses went home and then the ultrasound tech was rough and made me feel like I was wasting their time only to tell me there wasn’t enough fluid to drain. Oh, and more bone pain. 🙁
May 20, 2023
Didn’t sleep well. Norco barely touched the excruciating pain. Fighting constant nausea and barely able to eat. So I cried and slept.
May 21, 2023
Constipated for 4 days. Just keeping it real. Bone pain and nausea continue. So I cried and I slept when I could. It was a productive day (insert sarcastic face here).
May 22, 2023
Still not feeling well. Tried to sleep away the pain. Finally pooped and then it wouldn’t stop! Sorry, but if you’re someone going through this you need to know. Food? optional.
Monday PM
May 22, 2023
William researched and we tried Claritin + Advil in place of Norco. It was better than the Norco. I’ve been taking Zofran every day during this to keep the nausea under control.
May 23, 2023
Why am I so itchy? I’ll just wait and see what happens. Pain is improving but still not great.
May 24, 2023
Called the oncologist office to discuss the rash that started on my abdomen and spreading to my legs & back. Went to (maybe) get another Paracentesis since I was still a little bloated. They were amazing and didn’t have to drain me. So that was good! 🙂
May 26, 2023
Is this what it feels like to be human again? I didn’t want to vomit when I first woke up. I had some energy and I used it up to do chores 🙂 I think it was a good day.
So there you have it. My rash is still driving me crazy but it could be worse. I survived 4-5 days in hell. Seriously, I don’t know how else to describe the pain and discomfort. But if it means I can have two weeks between treatments where I feel semi-normal, I’ll take it.
I also got the results from my genetic testing. I have the BRCA1 mutation. This is great news for treating the cancer I have, but also not great at the same time. They want me and my family to do genetic counseling. Would you please be praying with me that the genetic mutation would stop with me and not pass to my kids.
Thank you again to the people who have been messaging and stopping by. I love hearing from you and praying for you 🙂