Genuine. If I had to choose only one word to describe my wife, this is it. I could of course tell of how she loves deeply and does everything with passion and purpose. How she is intentional in her actions and prayerfully considers others before herself. But regardless of what she does or for who, she is always Genuine.

-Will (husband)

wife. mother. friend.



It started with a trip to the ER on April 30, 2023. I new something was wrong, but I didn’t expect this.

This is a new chapter in my story. It’s not one that I expected to face again, but here I am just the same. I’ll be posting as often as I can to keep everyone updated along the way.

-Tamika Norina



It started with a trip to the ER on April 30, 2023. I new something was wrong, but I didn’t expect this.

This is a new chapter in my story. It’s not one that I expected to face again, but here I am just the same. I’ll be posting as often as I can to keep everyone updated along the way.

-Tamika Norina

2023 Year End Update

2023 Year End Update

2023 Year End Update Over the last several months I’ve been helping Tamika as she writes each of these posts, to share her updates and the real-life struggle of fighting cancer for the second time. I’ve been an...



Surviving Breast Cancer

In early 2014 I found a lump. I was 36 years old. This was the beginning of my cancer story.

We setup the cancer@36 website in 2014 to tell my story and share hope with others. My hope is that this story encourages you as you fight your battle. 

-Tamika Norina


Cancer is expensive, even with insurance. Your donations go directly to Tamika and help pay for the things insurance doesn’t cover 🙂